Some people don't associate bread with vitamins, but in actuality it is one of the more important sources for some of the most vital vitamins we need for our daily bodily functions, namely the Vitamin B complex. This negligence stems from the predominant fact that in North America white bread is consumed in large quantities, and it does not contain any of these vitamins any more. The B vitamins are exclusively in the bran, as well as in the germ of the kernel. If you are not eating whole grain bread you are missing out on a whole class of vitamins!

The importance of a balanced vitamin B intake is extremely important and should not be underestimated. Studies done even way back in the 1940's by Clarence A. Mills, M.D., Ph.D. reveal this quite clearly. In his book Climate Makes the Man Mills not only systematically analyzed climatic conditions that influence mankind, but also what they ate, naturally determined by what was locally grown. Fundamentally the foods grown in equatorial climates are deficient in B vitamins and that leads to lethargic behavior and sicknesses like beriberi that can affect the entire body, and which eventually lead to death. Both plant and animal derived foods are deficient and cannot supply enough of the Vitamin B complex, so all foods in hot climates are substantially lacking in this vitamin, as astounding as it may sound.

Not only have Mills' studies revealed this deficiency, but also that overdosing on vitamin B's can be just as dramatic and heath compromising. Living in Panama for an extended time period he noticed within a short time the developing deficiency of B vitamins in his wife and himself. Taking supplements was the only reasonable alternative since local products didn't have much of it. Since Vitamin B is water soluble just like Vitamin C, overdosing on it was thought not possible. But that is exactly what his wife experienced with detrimental health consequences. Taking 10 milligrams daily for 2 ½ weeks, she developed severe headaches, restlessness, insomnia, rapid pulse, weakness, and prostration. Once it was realized what was the cause of her ailments and the Vitamin B supplement was stopped she returned to normal. From then on the dosage was adjusted to make up for the lack of B vitamin but not exceeding normal amounts present in a healthy diet, which is based on whole grain foods grown in northern climates.

The moral of the story is that Vitamin supplements have become a multi-billion dollar business. How natural these are, and if they are properly absorbed into our body does not seem to matter. Matter of fact is that the average North American's health is getting worse, not better, as the enormous vitamin taken would suggest. This underlines the importance of eating right rather than popping pills.

Generally foods grown further north are much richer in vitamins, and especially the vitamin B complexes, which influences how much vigor and complacency we have. Further south, lethargy characteristics show up due to insufficient vitamin B complexes. The best method of ensuring we receive enough but do not overdoes on this vital vitamin is by eating good wholesome foods, like bread, on a daily basis. Over-processed foods like cereals and modern breads lack this vitality.

Only traditional bread like ours based on the essential sourdough fermentation technique, and is coupled with freshly ground whole grain flour right in our own bakery, which can and does provide this vitality. This grants the basis for living a balanced life so we can each live out our potential, rewarding with each challenge overcome. Traditional Bread like ours that gives a 'life force' (vitality) unmatched by any other form of food in our modern times.
