There are certain fundamental guidelines that we practice and follow in our bakery. The most basic is that we don't bake anybody else's bread; we don't use any mixes, frozen dough, etc. All of our breads are original, and contain at their heart a sourdough starter (bacterial culture), the way it's been practiced for thousands of years. I have created these bread recipes from very basic ingredients. The final baking characteristic of every active bacterial culture depends on many individual factors. This naturally promotes diversity and individuality, which I have always been in favour of in all aspects of my life. Currently we actively use three of our sourdough starters, and apply four different methods, this proves that some things in nature just cannot be improved upon.

We bake eighteen distinctive varieties of sourdough breads. Wheat free breads are getting stronger this is probably due to more and more people getting allergic to wheat.

In wine making it is readily accepted that every area or region in the world has its distinctive wines and flavours. It is up to the wine-grower/maker to promote and give it that distinctness which sets the particular wine of a winery apart from all others. This is called the 'bouquet' of a wine.

We believe that is exactly what we have done with our breads, and many of our loyal customers will verify that there is no other bread like it anywhere to be found.

Click on the images or links below to find out more about our different varieties of sourdough bread:
General information about our bread:
- There are no fats or oils added to our breads whatsoever; this means there are not trans fats. The only fats, or oils (saturated fats) come from the kernel's germ itself or from the seeds we add, especially such as sunflower or oat.
- We only add a small amount of golden yellow sugar (on average one teaspoon per 1kg loaf) to our wheat-based breads. The wheat free and rye breads don't contain any sugar at all.
- If there is more than a 50% overall organic content in a loaf of bread, the ingredients are marked with a (*) to denote them, below 50% we don't bother to mark it.
- All of our breads are cholesterol free.
- The breads have no chemical additives added whatsoever that aren't listed in the ingredient declaration. The raw ingredients, like flour or seeds, are selected on the basis that they are left in as natural a state as possible.
- Since 2005, we freshly grind our own wheat on our Tyrolean Natural Stone Mill.
- All of our water that we use in our breads comes from our own Mountain Springs, unpolluted, unchlorinated and crystal clear.