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Kaslo Sourdough Bakery
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Kaslo Sourdough Bakery
Kaslo Sourdough Bakery
Kaslo Sourdough Bakery
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Kaslo Sourdough Bakery
Kaslo Sourdough Bakery
Kaslo Sourdough Bakery

Kaslo Sourdough Bakery

Kaslo Sourdough Bakery

Questions, Comments and other Feedback

Kaslo Sourdough Bakery

At Kaslo Sourdough Bakery, we welcome your comments, questions and feedback. Whether you're looking for more information about sourdough bread or even if you would just like to send us a comment about our bread or our website, simply complete the form below (our mailing address is located at the bottom of this page. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.


Kaslo Sourdough Bakery

Website Problems or suggestions: E-Mail webmaster@microsour.com


Kaslo Sourdough Bakery

Kaslo Sourdough Bakery
P.O. Box 1238
Kaslo, British Columbia
Canada  V0G 1M0

Fax: 250-353-2077
Phone: 250-353-7656

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Kaslo Sourdough Bakery
All website content copyright © 2007 Kaslo Sourdough Bakery
All rights Reserved