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- Beatrice Ojakangas. Whole Grain Breads by Machine or Hand. New York: Macmillan. 1998. ISBN 0-02-861847-5.
- Bjørn Kristiansen. Integrated Design of a Fermentation Plant: The Production of Baker’s Yeast. Weinheim: VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH. 1994. ISBN 1-56081-766-6.
- Brian J.B. Wood. The Lactic Acid Bacteria, Volume 1. Maryland, USA: Aspen Publication.1999.ISBN 0-8342-1312-5.
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- Brian J.B. Wood, and Philip J. Warner. Genetics Of Lactic Acid Bacteria. New York, USA: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. 2003. ISBN 0-306-47290-2.
- Brother Rick Curry. The Secrets of Jesuit Breadmaking. New York: Harper Perennial. 1995. ISBN 0-06-095118-4.
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- Cal Orey. The Healing Powers of Vinegar. New York, USA: Kensington Books. 2006. ISBN 0-7582-1529-0.
- Carol Field. The Italian Baker. New York: Harper Collins Publishers.1985. ISBN 0-06-181266-8.
- Carolee Bateson-Koch. Allergies: Disease in Disguise, seventh printing. Burnaby, BC Canada: Alive Books. 2002. ISBN 0-920470-42-4.
- Charles Hunt. Diet Evolution. USA: Maximum Human Potential Production. 1999. ISBN 0-9630377-1-4.
- Christopher Houghton Budd. Of Wheat And Gold. Bristol. England: New Economy Publications. 1988. ISBN 0-948229-01-2.
- Daniel Leader. Local Breads: Sourdough and Whole-grain Recipes from Europe’s Best Artisan Bakers. New York, USA: W.W.Norton & Company, Inc. 2007. ISBN 978-0-393-05055-4.
- Dora P. Crouch. Water Management in Ancient Greek Cities. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1993. ISBN 0-19-507280-4.
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- Dr. Kelly Downhower Karpa. Bacteria for Breakfast: Probiotics for Good Health. Victoria, BC, Canada: Trafford Publishing. 2003. ISBN 1-4120-0925-0.
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- Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo. Live Right For Your Type. New York, USA: G.P.Putnam’s Sons Publishing. 2001. ISBN 0-399-14673-3.
- Edward Hyams. Soil and Civilization. London: Thames and Hudson.1952.
- Ed Wood. Classic Sourdoughs. Berkeley: Ten Speed Press. 2001. ISBN 1-58008-344-7.
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- E.J. Pyler. Baking Science & Technology, third edition. Volume 1 & 2. Missouri: Sosland Publishing Company.1988. ISBN 0-929005-02-3, 0-929005-02-3.
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- Joe Fisher, and Dennis Fisher. The Homebrewer’s Garden. North Adams, MA, USA: Storey Publishing. 1998. ISBN 1-58017-010-2.
- Laurel Robertson, Carol Flinders, and Bronwen Godfrey. The Laure’s Kitchen Bread Book. New York: Random House. 1984. ISBN 0-394-53700-9.
- Lise Boily, and Jean-Francois Blanchette. The Bread Ovens of Quebec. Canada: National Museum of Man/Canada. 1979. ISBN 0-660-00004-0.
- Jacques de Langre. Seasalt’s Hidden Powers: The Biological Action of All Ocean Minerals on Body and Mind, 16th edition. California: Happiness Press. 1994. ISBN 9-916508-42-0.
- James Braley, and Ron Hoggan. Dangerous Grains. New York, USA. Avery – Penguin Putnam Inc. 2002. ISBN 1-58333-129-8.
- Jax Peters Lowell. Against the Grain. Markham, ON. Canada: Henry Holt and Company, Inc. 1995. ISBN 0-8050-3625-3.
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- Jeffrey Alford, and Naomi Duguid. Flatbreads. New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc. 1995. ISBN 0-688-11411-3.
- Jeffrey Hamelman. Bread: A Baker’s Book of Technique and Recipes. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2004. ISBN 0-471-16857-2.
- J.F.T. Spencer, and D.M. Spencer. Yeast in Natural and Artificial Habitats. Berlin: Springer Verlag. 1997. ISBN 3-540-56820-4.
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- Karel Kulp, and Klaus Lorenz. Handbook of Dough Fermentation. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc. 2003. ISBN 0-8247-4264-8.
- Kenneth C. Fugelsang. Wine Microbiology. California: International Thomson Publishing.1997. ISBN 0-412-06611-4.
- Kiko Denzer. Build Your Own Earth. Blodgett, OR, USA: Hand Print Press. 2004. ISBN 0-9679846-0-2.
- Klaus Buchholz, Volker Kasche, and Uwe T. Bornscheuer. Biocatalysts and Enzynme Technology. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. 2005. ISBN 3-527-30497-5.
- Klaus Kaufmann, and Annelies Schöneck. Making Sauerkraut and Pickled Vegetables at Home: Creative Recipes for Lactic-fermented Food to Improve Your Health. Canada: Alive Books. 1997. ISBN 1-55312-037-X.
- Klaus Kaufmann. Kefir – Rediscovered! Burnaby, Canada: Alive Books. 1997. ISBN 0-920470-65-3.
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- Mark Coyne. Soil Microbiology. International: Delmar Publishers. 1999. ISBN 0-8273-8434-3.
- Mark Kurlansky. Salt – A World History. New York, USA: Penguin Books. 2002. ISBN 0-14-200161-9.
- Mark Shepard. Simple Sourdough. Washigton: Shepard Publications. 1990. ISBN 978-0-938497-30-1.
- Martha M. Christy. Your Own Perfect Medicine, sixth printing. Mesa, Arizona, USA: Wishland Publishing, Inc.1994. ISBN 0-9632091-1-6.
- Melissa Diane Smith. Going Against the Grain. New York, USA: Contemporary Books. 2002. ISBN 0-658-01722-5.
- Michael Shnayerson, and Mark J. Plotkin. The Killers Within: The deadly rise of drug- resistant bacteria. Boston, New York, London: Back Bay Books, Little, Brown Company. 2002. ISBN 0-316-73566-3.
- Nancy Silverton. Breads from the La Brea Bakery. New York, USA: Villard Books, Random House Inc. 1996. ISBN 679-40907-6.
- Natasha Trenev. Probiotics, Nature’s Internal Healers. New York, USA: Avery - Penguin Putnam Inc. 1998. ISBN 0-89529-847-3.
- Norman W. Walker. Colon Health, 20th printing. Phoenix Arizona, USA. 1979. ISBN 0-89019-069-0.
- Oliver Evans. The Young Mill-Wright and Miller’s Guide. Salem New Hampshire: Ayer Company, Publishers, Inc. Reprint edition 1984, Original edition 1850.
- Pak-Lam Yu. Fermentation Technology: Industrial Application. New York: Elsevier Applied Science. 1990. ISBN 1-85166-516-1.
- Patrick E. McGovern. Ancient Wine. New Jersey: Princeton University Press. 2003. ISBN 0-691-07080-6.
- Paul Pitchford. Healing with Whole Foods. Berkeley, USA: North Atlantic Books. 1993. ISBN 1-55643-220-8.
- P. Christiaan Klieger. The Fleischmann Yeast Family. Great Britan: Arcadia.2004. ISBN 0-7385-3341-6.
- Peter Reinhardt. Crust & Crumb. Berkeley ,USA: Ten Speed Press. 1998. ISBN 1-58008-003-0.
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- Pierre Boisard. Camembert – A National Myth. Berkeley, USA: University of California Press. 2003. ISBN 0-520-22550-3.
- Raymond Cavel. The Taste of Bread. New York: Springer Science 2001. ISBN 978-0-834-21646-4.
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- Richard K. Robinson, Carl A. Batt, and Pradip D. Patel. Encyclopedia Of Food Microbiology. California: Academic Press. 2000. ISBN 0-12-227070-3.
- Richard Manning. Against the Grain: How agriculture has hijacked civilization. New York: North Point Press. 2004. ISBN 0-86547-622-5.
- Roberta J. Magnusson. Water Technology in the Middle Ages. Baltimore and London: The John Hopkins University Press. 2001. ISBN 0-8018-6626-X.
- Robert C. Atkins. Atkins for Life. New York: St. Martin’s Press. 2003. ISBN 0-312-31522-8.
- Robert J. Whitehurst, and Barry A. Law. Enzymes In Food Technology. Sheffield, UK: Sheffield Academic Press. 2002. ISBN 0-8493-9782-0.
- Ronald F. Schmid. Traditional Foods are the Best Medicine. Vermont: Healing Arts Press. 1997. ISBN 0-89281-735-6.
- Ruth Allman. Alaska Sourdough, sixteenth printing. Anchorage , USA: Alaska Northwest Books. 2000. ISBN 0-88240-085-1.
- Sandor Ellix Katz. Wild Fermentation. Vermont: Chelsea Green Publishing Company. 2003. ISBN 1-931498-23-7.
- Sophie D. Coe, Michael D. Coe. The True History Of Chocolate. New York, USA: Thames & Hudson. 1996. ISBN 0-500-28229-3.
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- Teruo Higa. An Earth Saving Revolution 1 & 2 . Japan: Sunmark Publishing Inc. 1993. ISBN 4-7631-9157-8 & 4-7631-9214-0.
- Tom Jaine. Building A Wood-Fired Oven: For Bread and Pizza. Wiltshire: Cromwell Press.1996. ISBN 0907325-70X.
- Y.H.Hui, Lisbeth Meunier-Goddik, Åse Solvejg Hansen, Jytte Josephsen, Wai-Kit Nip, Peggy S. Stanfield, and Fidel Toldrá. Handbook of Food and Beverage Fermentation Technology. New York: Marcel Deckker Inc. ISBN 0-8247-4780-1.
- Yuan-Kun Lee, Koji Nomoto, Seppo Saminen, and Sherwood L. Gorbach. Handbook Of Probiotics. New York: A Wiley-Inerscience Publication. 1999. ISBN 0-471-19025-X.
- Wayne Gisslen. Professional Baking, second edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1994. ISBN 0-471-59509-8.
- Weston A. Price. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, 16th printing. La Mesa, CA, USA: The Price-Pottenger Nutritional Foundation, Inc. 2004. ISBN 0-87983-816-7.
- Wulf Doerry. Baking Technology – Breadmaking. Manhattan, Kansas: American Institute of Baking. 1995. ISBN 880877-16-3.
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